Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 18 - Day 98 - Red Canyon and Bryce NP

After a slow morning, Suz and I decided to put Dixie in the car and travel North to Bryce National Park. The round trip is some 150 miles from the campground, all of it on good roads and most of it with a 65 mph speed limit. The first leg is on US 89 and you can see a bit of what is in store to the East of the highway. After 35 or so miles, we turned East on Utah 12 and enter Dixie National Forest (which Dixie the Wonderdog thought was nice) in which the magnificent Red Canyon and later on Bryce National Park are located.

Passing through Red Canyon, you get your first close-up taste of the beauty that erosion can create in this red environment. Hoodoos and tunnels are the order of the day. About 16 or so miles in on Utah 12 is the entrance to Bryce National Park, and the grandeur begins (and the park is nice too)! The first two vistas are Sunrise and Sunset Points, truly magnificent with the fins and hoodoos in the foreground and Dixie national Forest in the background.

The entire trip into Bryce is 18 mile dead-end road ending at Rainbow Point. In between are numerous pull-outs where you can enjoy the beauty of the park - and beauty is an understatement! One particularly interesting point is Natural Bridge (8,627 feet above sea level), a naturally formed arch adjacent to the road. Rainbow Point provides a wonder vista of most of the park from the highest elevation in the park - 9,119 feet above sea level!

Suz and I couldn't get over the majesty of the area, and are looking forward to visiting Zion National Park on Monday. Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog (who is healing rapidly!)

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