Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2 - Days 80 and 81 - Coos Bay

Wednesday arrived to a rainy morning, but the promise of a sunny afternoon. I took the opportunity to tour Coos Bay and North Bend and to acquaint myself with the local roads and the location of the local Walmart Super Center and to fill the car with gas - learning in the process that it is illegal to pump your own gas in Oregon. Returning to the coach, Suz and I headed back to Walmart to replenish supplies. We then took a tour of Coos Bay and North Bend as the rain slowly subsided.

We then headed back to Charleston and out Cape Arago Highway to the state parks area. There we found beautiful sandy beaches at Sunset Bay, a beautiful view of the Cape Arago Lighthouse and hundreds of sea lions, harbor seals, elephant seals and other varieties on the rocks at Simpson Reef (much better view with our binoculars!).

Back at the coach, the rain had stopped and the clouds were parting. As happy hour neared, we headed back to Charleston and the Portside for their wonderful calamari and nicely priced drinks. To my surprise, Suzanne suggested that we go blackberry picking on Thursday - something she had never experienced. Being an avid blackberry lover, I quickly agreed!

As we enjoyed the view at the Portside, the fog started to roll in and by the time we left, it was hard to see the road back to the coach (because of the fog!). Once there, we enjoyed ice cream and, what else, blackberries!

Thursday arrived to beautiful sunny skies and comfortable temperatures. While Suz snoozed, I cleaned outside of the coach and checked out where we might find blackberry patches. Around 10:30 we headed South on Seven Devils Road, where I had been told blackberry patches were to be found. The road is an excellent motorcycle road with twists and turns in the extreme - and there were blackberry patches!

With bowls full of blackberries, and Suzanne having learned that blackberry vines have VERY sharp thorns, we headed back to Charleston and lunch at the High Tide Cafe. It was low tide and out on the flats, people were clamming while we ate. We next crossed the street to Chucks Seafood to buy some local fare. What a wonderful store. They have everything that is locally caught, from tuna to clams. We bought a range of products, including fresh shrimp, a pint of raw oysters, and canned smoked salmon, smoked tuna, Dungeness crab, shrimp and smoked oysters. We will feast for weeks!

Later at the coach, we started our happy hour with raw oysters and shrimp, then we headed back to the Portside for calamari and drinks - so much for dinner! What a wonderful day! Tomorrow we head down the coast to Crescent City, California to see the marvelous Redwood forests. Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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