Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 10 - Gettysburg

We left Lexington at 9:00 am this morning and headed for Gettysburg, the Gettysburg Battlefield Resort to be specific. This is a Travel Resorts of America site that is interested in promoting membership. We had a coupon from the RV Supershow in Tampa for up to 30 days free camping. We opted for 3 free days, but still have to take the mandatory sales tour - fine. The resort is a a mix of all types of RVs and tents. the sties do not have sewer, but some do have 50 amp. No cable, but some have a sky view that allows satellite access. After one move we got the 50 amp and satellite access we wanted. There is no chance we will be joining this camping organization.

Tomorrow we will take the guided tour of the Gettysburg battlefield and then have dinner in Thurmont at a restaurant I found when I attended the Jim Ford Rider's Workshop last year. Looking forward to it!

Until tomorrow, Cheers

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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