Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 16 - Gloucester and Rock Port

The morning began with a bike trip to Gloucester to find a TD Bank branch to replenish the "cash" supply. Success! Came "home" and relaxed. Rock and Mercine arrived around 1:30PM and Suz went shopping with Mercine, and Rock and I headed to Gloucester to explore. We had lunch at a small restaurant in Gloucester, then headed to Rock Port the long way - miles of beautiful coastline.

We met the girls around 4:00pm in Rock Port - where I thought the restaurant that we had picked for dinner, The Rudder, was, but it wasn't. Actually it was in Rocky Neck in Gloucester - Oh well, Rock, Rocky, an honest mistake! So we headed back into Gloucester to Rocky Neck and found The Rudder restaurant. We were able to park on the premises of the oldest active shipyard in America, avoiding being towed!

It's 4:30, The Rudder's not open until 5:00, so we went next door to The Studio and had a couple of drinks there. Not going to let a small time issue interfere with "Happy Hour"! At 5:00 or so, we went back to The Rudder and enjoyed a very fine meal.

Then we headed out to find the Crows Nest pub where the fishermen who were portrayed in the movie "The Perfect Storm" hung out, and where parts of the file were made. Found it! Had a couple of beers, then said our goodbyes to Rocco and Mercine and headed back to the coach. All-in-all, a great day and some beautiful scenery! Rock is right - New England is a very special place!

Tomorrow we head to Bar Harbor, Maine for four days, Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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