Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 15 - Relaxing in Gloucester

Made a run to BJ's in Danvers, not far from here, to get supplies (forgetting we already had a load of paper towels under the bed - now we have two loads!), then off the Shaw's in Gloucester for groceries - WOW, are prices high out here - $3.79 for a loaf of bread!

Returned back to the coach and did a few chores - washed the bugs off the front, etc. Then I took the motorcycle out for a spin, gave it a much needed bath, then headed into to Rock Port, a really quaint village on the tip of the peninsula. Returning "home," Suz and I went back into Gloucester (5 miles) and hit the liquor store (no beer or wine in grocery stores here! - and not until after 12:00 on Sundays in any case). Got the car washed at the same time - what a mess. Looks better now.

Back home, I wanted to watch the golf, but couldn't get coverage on CBS. Called DirecTV and was told that even though we pay for "local channels", I couldn't get them (ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox) because we were out of the area of our billing address. Their suggestion was to download an affidavit and send it in with a copy of our RV registration and request a roaming service that would allow us to get these channels from either New York or L.A. They figured it would take about 45 days to get it through the approval process, and then we would have to pay an additional $14 per month, per box (we have two). As you can imagine, I wanted no part of that solution.

Our buddy Ty Haubert provided a much simpler solution - change the billing address every time you move the coach. I called DirecTV back and told then we now lived at 80 Atlantic Street, Gloucester, Mass. - voila! The local channels magically appeared on all our sets! Since I am billed electronically, the mailing address issue is non-existant, and next time we move, we will change our address again. So much for the DirecTV bureaucracy!

Shortly thereafter, Rocco and Mercine arrived with the "feast for the day" - 6 great lobsters and a load of steamers - already cooked and hot. Six ears of corn for the BarBQ and coleslaw. We added some red potatoes, beer and wine and dug in - what a feast, and what a mess! We had two "large" garbage bags full of (smelly) refuse that was immediately taken to the local dumpster ("not in my back yard")! The meal and the friends - priceless!

Tomorrow, Rock and I will explore Gloucester and Suz and Mercine will - what else - go shopping! Until then, cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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