Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 18 - Bar Harbor

Light arrived this morning at roughly 4:00 am, and after a battle with the computer getting my work done, I headed off on the bike to explore Mount Desert Island, where Bar Harbor is located. I rode the West side and saw the lighthouse at Bass Harbor. Then on around the loop to Seawall, a natural stone accumulation that separates the ocean from the fresh water.

The next stop was the village of Southwest Harbor, a delightful village with an active fishing fleet and a number of interesting shops and restaurants. From there it was back to the KOA to pick up Suz for lunch.

First, we headed off to the Oceanarium to learn about lobsters. After an hour-and-a-half, we now know a bit about how the lobster fishermen work and how lobsters propagate (they are live born at about 1/8 of an inch and are food for their parents if they don't find cover). We also learned about the various forms of sea life the populates the bottom of the sea in the Bar Harbor area. Then it was off to lunch (late) at the Log Cabin. The food and service was good.

Around 4:00 pm we headed back into Bar Harbor to the Fish House restaurant - specifically the bar which overlooks the harbor - and enjoyed the evening with the locals and Dan, the bartender. Unfortunately, the battery int he camera died and I couldn't get a picture, but I will before we leave the area.

Back home, we had a light dinner (after a late lunch) and then, while sitting outside, bought an apple pie from a vendor driving through the campground. Excellent!! Tomorrow we will tour Acadia National Park and have a lobster dinner at one of the many lobster ponds in the area. Until then, cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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