Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 19 - Acadia National Park and Lobster!

The morning started with a cloudless sky and a beautiful sunrise - at 4:15 am. I spent the early morning working then cleaning the front of the coach and waiting for Suzanne to "rise and shine!" We finally got going at 11:00am and headed for Acadia National Park in the center of Mount Desert Island. The "park loop road" is a beautiful drive with numerous overlooks.

The coastline is truly breathtaking in parts. Near the end of the loop is the road to the summit of Cadillac Mountain. At 1,532 feet, Cadillac Mountain is the highest point along the North Atlantic seaboard and is the first place to view sunrise in the United States from October 7 through March 6. It is one of over 20 mountains on mount Desert Island that were pushed up by earth's tectonic and volcanic forces millions of years ago.

Before being renamed in 1918, the mountain had been called Green Mountain. The new name honors the French explorer and adventurer, Antoine Laumet del la Mothe, sieur Cadillac. In 1688, De la Mothe requested and received from the Governor of New France, a parcel of land which included part of the Donaquec River (now the Union River) and the island of Mount Desert. Later in his life, del la Mothe founded the city of Detroit, and many, many years later, lent his name to the Cadillac motor car.

After our tour of the park, we returned "home" for a much needed "laundry" run, then it was off to Bar Harbor for Happy Hour at the Fish House. From there we headed back West and off the island to the "Down East Lobster Pound." It is a "bare essentials" operations where you BYOB. But is the food good!! We will likely return before departing the area.

Well fed, we headed home (1 mile) and had some apple pie that we bought from a vendor passing through the campground last evening. So far, we are loving Maine and Bar Harbor - come to think of it, what's not to like? Until tomorrow, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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