Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 20 - The Mountain and the Pub

This morning I decided to tackle the Mountain on the bike while Suz "rested". I left the campground around 8:15 and headed for the National Park, the road to the summit of Cadillac Mountain is very twisty and a great ride. The summit is the same as yesterday, except for the bike that is!

Returning home, I decided to visit Northeast Harbor, which is much nicer that Southwest Harbor. There is a well organized mooring field and the village is very pleasant. From there I headed up to Bar Harbor and then West to the KOA. All-in-all abut 60 miles of pleasant riding.

Suz and I needed to resupply, so we headed down the road the Ellsworth and a Home Depot and Walmart. At the same time, the car needed a wash - badly! All taken care of, we headed back "home," got set up, and headed back to Bar Horbor. We wanted to see our new friend "Woody" before we left. Woody ranks up there in the top 5 bartenders we have met - and that's saying something!

Came home and cooked up a couple to filets on the barbie, with corn on the cob (18 cents a cob at Walmart) and red potatoes. This was followed by apple pie from the local vendor. What a feast! Tomorrow, we will get set up to leave and then head back to the Down East Lobster Pound for a final lobster dinner. We're going to be sorry to leave Mout Desert Island and Bar Harbor. The people are nice and the surroundings are beautiful. Another great corner of America! Until tomorrow, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

1 comment:

  1. Please stop talking about lobsters, Lynne is drooling.
