Friday, July 9, 2010

Days 25 and 26 - Ottawa

Wednesday was my day to play at the Hunt and renew many acquaintances. In the morning, I took a ride on the bike to see how the countryside around Ottawa had changed - quite a bit with new development springing up in many places. But the basic countryside is still the same - wonderful. The air was fresh - albeit a bit hotter than normal (record highs for the last few days!), but on the bike, it was all tolerable.

Returning to the coach, I got ready and headed to the Hunt for the game. I met Earl Musgrave in the parking lot and Rick Bennett outside the clubhouse. John "Rouge" Davidson was on the driving range. From there it was one old friend after another. There were 11 in the group, and we had a great time. Davidson, Musgrave, Bennett and I formed a foursome. Of course, with my rusty game, I threw the party!

After golf, the guys all got together for dinner and to celebrate my OLD buddy "Rouge" Davidson's 70th birthday! A great evening with friends. I headed back to the coach before I would have liked, but a DUI in Canada is not a fun experience, and I had to get up at my normal early hour.

Thursday was my day to play golf with some other very old friends, Don Rioux and Peter Mayo, joined by Pat Price (the best 9 handicap in Eastern Canada). We met at The Marshes golf course and the game was on. In the end, Pat Price won the money for having one more "skin". The team games came out pretty even, as my game is steadily improving after the recent layoff. After golf we had time for a light snack in the lounge and to catch up on old times. Again, a welcome reunion.

I returned to the coach about 4:45 and picked up Suz. We were off to Steve and Kim Cant's for an afternoon outing and more reunions. Steve opened his backyard on the Rideau River for all the golfers in our group and their wives so we could see them all again. He even broke out the boat and gave all who wanted a cruise down to Manotick on the River.

The entire day was one we will always remember, both for the memories of friends reunited and for the generosity of those friends.

Tomorrow, we head off to Arnprior for an afternoon with more old friends at the home of Joe and Francis Crepin - old buddies from days gone by. We are looking forward to the reunion. Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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