Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Days 29 and 30 - Ottawa and on to Mansfield

Sunday was a great day. We first visited with Chris, Julie and Destin Duval, our nephew and his family. We had lunch and a good visit - after too many years. Destin is now almost 2 and this was the first time we had seen him in person. He is doing great after a shaky start at birth. He's going to be quite a young man.

After lunch, we all went to Chris' mom's house for the afternoon and dinner. Vivian and Dwayne are Chris' mom and step dad, and Viv our sister-in-law. We hadn't seen them in a few years either. It was a welcome reunion. they have a lovely house in Manotick, and we thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. In the evening, we returned "home" and finished up the preparations for our departure on Monday morning.

On Monday, we were packed and ready to go by 8:00 am, and headed East to highway 416 and the Canada/U.S. border. Unlike our entry into Canada, our re-entry into the U.S. was a bit more "formal" and rigorous. The agent,. a very attractive blonde, was very formal and took not only our papers, but the keys to the coach. Then she came inside and inspected. The only thing she took were a few tomatoes and a lemon - no vegetables or citrus into the U.S., even though they were bought there! (We figured this might be how she does her grocery shopping.)

After 10 minutes or so, she gave us back our papers and keys and we were off. Heading down I81, we stopped for fuel in Cortland (didn't by diesel in Canada - US$3.65 a gallon!), every station had diesel at $3.13.9, no choice. We picked a truck stop and started to fill. Ah, the Tiffin curse - 2 seconds and the fuel backed up out the fill tube and all over me! It was a truck hose and the flow was too great for the venting Tiffin puts on the tank. A diesel shower is not what I expected on my birthday!

After washing up and changing clothes, we were back on the road. At Binghamton, we headed West on NY 17 to Elmira, then onto NY 14 to NY 328 and PA 549. the final leg of the trip took us through beautiful Pennsylvania country side with ups and downs and lots of turns. Suz thought it would be better for the motorcycle than for the motorhome! I loved it and the Phaeton handled it with ease.

We arrived at Corey Creek Golf Club at 3:30 and were greeted by our close friends Ty and Mickey Haubert, and got set up in the middle of the golf course alongside their rig. The golf club allows us to park our RVs in their picnic area during the tournament. We have 50 amp service and water. A "honey wagon" pumps us out once a week. It is a great spot with fishing ponds and quiet solitude. Two weeks here will be most welcome!

Over the next few days, we will play golf, enjoy visiting with friends and generally relax. Until next time, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog (who loves the chipmunks at Corey Creek!)

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