Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 22 - Bar Harbor to Quebec

We departed Bar Harbor at 8:00 am and headed West. the day was to prove challenging from a highway perspective! We had about 30 miles out of 250 on four-lane, the rest was two-lane of greater or lesser quality! We did about 120 miles on U.S 2 West, not a bad road, passing through Skowhegan and following the Kennebec River. When we hit MEXICO, I was sure we were lost - not so said the lovely ladies in the local Mexico Shell station. Go West young man, go West! A bit further on, as they said, we found ME26 North, then the fun began!

ME26 North goes through the Grafton Notch State Park and is one big frost heave with the texture of a washboard for 26 miles. Passing from Maine into New Hampshire on NH 26 West was not much better. It passes through Dixville Notch State Park with equal engineering success!

Overall, we endured nearly 60 miles of really rough roads. It was like riding a roller coaster with square wheels! The coach got a thorough testing for loose parts - and came through with flying colors! Interestingly, about 15 miles into New Hampshire we came upon The Balsams resort. It is situated on a small lake across from the road and is absolutely beautiful. When a spot to pull off presented itself, I did! A short lunch followed, along with a brief chance to relax!

After being bounced around the floor of the coach, Dixie looked like Jim Croces "LeRoy Brown" - "a jigsaw puzzle with a couple of pieces gone!"

A few miles later, we entered Vermont and headed North to the Quebec border into Canada. We had heard horror stories about coaches going into Canada, but our reception was most cordial. The young lady examined our papers and wished us a good vacation. the whole process took about 2 minutes. As I have said elsewhere - treat the border agents with respect, answer their questions honestly, and DO NOT TRY TO BRING HANDGUNS INTO CANADA - and you will have no problems.

Once into Quebec, the trip was largely over. We passed through Coaticook and on to Compton. The Camping de Compton campground is very nice, as are the people. We got set up quickly, watched a bit of golf, cleaned the "bugs" off the windshield and the front of the coach, then headed back into Coaticook to a restaurant we had seen earlier. The food was good and the ambiance gave one the feeling of being in France.

Tomorrow, we head to Ottawa to see many old friends and clean up some administrative issues with Captain Canada! Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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