Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 21 - Days 37 - 38 Mansfield

Monday was an off day. The remainder of the campers departed and the site was left to Ty, Mickey, Suz and I (and Dixie of course). Ty went to Wellsboro for new tires for his Jeep toad (much cheaper there than anywhere else for some reason), then proceeded to lock his keys in the car when he returned to Mansfield for gas (glad he wasn't still in Wellsboro!). Short trip for me to resolve the problem (after getting Mickey out of the shower for her set of keys - she was happy).

The girls took a monster load of laundry to the laundromat in Mansfield and then did some shopping to replenish stocks depleted during the golf tournament. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and enjoying the scenery. Monday night we cooked up corn, salad and Bubba Burgers.

Tuesday morning Ty went fishing in the ponds for bass with mixed results. I took a shot at fishing for trout in Corey Creek. With the low water, there are lots of small fish in the larger pools, and too my surprise a beautiful 13 inch rainbow trout as well. After looking carefully, I could see more large fish in the pools as well (If you look carefully at the photo, you can see several nice size trout near the pipe in the water. For perspective, I am on a bridge about 15 feet above the water). I released the fish I caught, after a fun battle, and decided to refrain from further fishing since there is not much sport in catching "trapped" fish. They are sure fun to look at though!

Later, Ty and I took on Jack Alexander and Andy Lyman on the golf course. We remembered the Corey Creek lesson and lost a little to win a lot (in the bar). We all broke 80 and had a great day (on the course and off).

Suz and I (and of course Dixie, who loves to spend most of the day tethered to the coach outside) really love this area and the people. The folks at Corey Creek are a great bunch of people. Everyone is friendly and golf is as it should be - fun! We would very much like to return next year for a longer stay.

Today, we are playing "couples golf" with the Hauberts and then going to a friend's house for a Bar BQ. Until the next update, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog.

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