Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 23 - Compton to Ottawa

Suz, Dixie and I left Camping de Compton at 8:15 and started wending our way over the rural roads of the "Eastern Townships" of Quebec on route to the four-lane pleasures of Highway 10 and Montreal. After about an hour - success, our first "four-lane" road since early morning on Sunday! It seems like so much longer.

West on 10 and over the Champlain bridge into Montreal. Picked up 20 West, cut over Boul. St. Charles to Highway 40, and we were on our way to Ottawa. We arrived at Camp Hither Hills, on Bank Street, just South of Ottawa, at 1:00 pm. Not a bad drive. the traffic around Montreal can be terrible, but not today!!

After getting the car unhooked, the bike off, and all the details looked after with regard to the coach, it was 2:30, so I headed into Ottawa to find a TD Canada Trust where I could get some Canadian cash. I also wanted to find a car wash to clean up the bike. Success with regard to TD, no luck with the car wash.

Returned to the coach in time to greet Rick and Lynne Bennett for an evening together. As usual, Rick and Lynne outdid themselves with a wide assortment of oriental food, wine and lots of beer (Ahh - they know the way to me heart!).

We had great evening and Rick showed me that his IPhone is much better than my HTC Incredible. Quite frankly, there is no comparison, but Verizon doesn't support the IPhone - yet. When it does, so much for the HTC! In a similar vein, why I ever left Apple for the PC world I will never know!

I will be posting some photos, but the Internet connection here at Hither Hills is not the best at this time of night. Guess you'll just have to settle for my verbal account. Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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