Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27 - Days 40 - 44 Mansfield - Streetsboro

Our last couple of days in Mansfield were enjoyable, but the weather did not cooperate as we would have hoped. On Friday, we had to cancel a golf road trip with the guys. Saturday Ty and I got in our game at Corey Creek with 6 of our local friends and had a good time afterward (as you can imagine), but on Sunday, our annual 12-man golf trip to Towanda didn't work out as we had hoped.

The day started out fine. We left Corey Creek at 7:30 and stopped in Troy for breakfast. We arrived at Towanda Golf Club for our 9:30 and later tee times and got off to a good start. But by the 8th hole the sky opened up and that was the end. After a half-hour or so in the bar, we decided to head back to Corey Creek. But as usual, we stopped at Anthony's in Troy for lunch. The food was good, but the bar tender was better.

Sarah is an unusual girl - very bright and generally ahead of any guy with a wisecrack! We had a ball trading barbs, but our good friend Barry "Red Fox" Lauver came out on the short end a number of times. We asked Sarah if she was married and her immediate response was - "no, I'm smart. Most guys can't handle a bartender for a wife, and those that can, I can't stand." Like I said, she is quick!

Back at Corey Creek we unloaded the cars and some of us joined together in the bar for a last drink together. We have made some good friends in Mansfield and it is hard to leave them behind - but we will see them next year at the latest! After dinner at the coach, we finalized our preparations for our Monday departure.

Monday morning, we were ready to go at 7:45. All went well getting our coach out of the campground and up to the clubhouse - with some minor hitches (like having to back up to get traction to get up the hill). Then it was off to Mansfield to fuel up and head South on highway 15. From there, it was on to 220 West and I80. We arrived in Streetsboro, just outside Cleveland around 2:00 pm. We stopped at the Streetsboro/Cleveland KOA, a really nice campground. After getting set up, and taking the Wonderdog for a run in the local dog yard, we hit the local Applebee's for dinner and settled in for the night.

Today, we went in to Cleveland and visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Great Lakes Science Center. both are worth seeing. the science center if you love science, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame if you're a "boomer" and love the music.

Back at the coach, we did the standard cleanup, fixed a leaking black water valve, and got ready for our trip to Joliet, Illinois tomorrow. It will be a bit long, but we are anxious to make the three hop trip, Joliet, Austin, Minn. and Mitchell, SD, to arrive in Sturgis on Saturday. Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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