Friday, July 23, 2010

July 23 - Days 39 - 40 - Mansfield

Wednesday we played "couples golf" with the Hauberts and had an enjoyable day. the scores weren't as good as we all would have liked, but it was a relaxing outing. that evening, the four of us went to the Harvey's house for some "beer butt chicken." Yes, the cooking technique is as the name suggests. Larry and Carol were excellent hosts, and the food was very good, as usual. It was good to have a chance to see and chat some more of the Mansfield folks who we have met over the years. It was also good to see Cliff and Mary Bixby and Canadian friends Mike and Jan Willoughby again. As you can see, the Harvey's dog, Jake, was overwhelmed by the excitement!

On Thursday, I took care of some chores around the coach and Suzanne headed back to the golf course (surprise, surprise!). Around noon, I hopped on the bike and headed West to Wellsboro. Had lunch at the locally famous Wellsboro Diner, then continued West to The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. The canyon, formed by Pine Creek is quite impressive and very beautiful. From there I headed back to Wellsboro on 362 and 660, then south on 287 through the northern Pennsylvania farmland to Morris, then East on 414 through Liberty, Ogdensburg, Grover, Cedar Ledge and into Canton. There I picked up 14 North to Alba and then on to Troy. At Troy, I headed back West on 6 through Sylvania and Mainesburg to Corey Creek Golf Club, arriving around 4 pm. A great day riding on 100 plus miles of really nice "twisty" roads.

Being Thursday, the Hauberts, Morgans and we headed for the world famous Colonial Inn for "wings" and things. Again, the wings were great, and the prices unbelievable (low). We headed home early, since the guys were to be off in the morning for a golfing road trip to the Binghamton area.

As fate would have it, Friday arrived along with a major storm front. It started raining at 4 am and still hasn't stopped (10 am). As you can guess, the road trip was canceled. Oh well, looks like a day for tidying up in preparation for our departure on Monday, and for spending some shopping time at WalMart and Tractor Supply! Until next time, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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