Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11 - Days 58 and 59 - Missoula to Pendleton

We left Missoula, and Jim & Mary's RV Park, at 8:00 and headed west on highway 12 towards Lewiston, Idaho. The road is absolutely scenic, and is the route traveled by Lewis & Clark on there epic treck to the Pacific. Once over the summit, the highway follows the Clearwater River to Lewiston, where it joins the Snake River as it flows West, joining the Columbia River before pouring into the Pacific.

Every inch of the way is scenic, the only difficulty is the twisty nature of the highway. We stopped in Lowell, Idaho (pop. 23) for a wonderful raspberry danish and BLT sandwich (and a T-shirt of course). Just down the road, we stopped for some photos of the river and to pick some of the plentiful blackberries that grow alongside the road. If I were on the motorcycle (as I was three years ago going in the other direction) the twisty nature of the road would be fine, but in a motorhome, the road is a workshop in driving. Nonetheless, I enjoyed very minute of the drive!

We arrived in Lewiston around 12:30 and continued to follow highway 12 West. From Lewiston, the road passes thorough the wheat belt of Washington and into Oregon. It is not the most secenic route, but is the most direct route to Pendleton. We arrived at the Pendleton KOA at 3:30 Pacific time and got settled in. The park is set on a hill South of town with a view to the South of miles of wheat fields and the rolling hills in the distance.

I rained heavily overnight and we decided to "do the chores" this morning. I started by cleaning the bike, then the front of the coach, then the entire bottom of the coach (the top half will have to wait!). Then I reworked the pressure monitoring system for the tires - a chore!! Suz did several loads of wash - the washer and dryer in the coach are WONDERFUL! Then I took the car to the car wash (much needed!) and went to the local hardware store to find tubing to replace one that had broken on the windshield washer line. Overall, we cleaned up a lot of loose ends and are now ready to relax in Harrisburg!

Pendleton is a typical western town. But very special is Hamley's. This store has been in operation in Pendleton since 1905 and is famous for its saddles, hats and western gear. The top line hats are made of beaver and are priced over $700 - for a hat! The saddles are all hand made and are priced accordingly. Needless to say, Hamley's is a store to be seen!

Next door is a new steak house - Hamley's of course. It is excellent. But Pendleton has more to offer. Across the street is the Rainbow Cafe, an historic old bar and restaurant, and down the street is Packard's Tavern - like the Colonial in Mansfield! We started at Packard's and had a ball watching the locals play shuffleboard. We then went to the Rainbow Cafe, and met "Rainbow Debbie", who has tended bar at the Rainbow for 19 years. We very much enjoyed hearing of her experiences. After enjoying "beautiful downtown Pendleton", we returned to the motorhome for "bubba burgers" and a wonderful sunset! It is truly a beautiful country we live in!

Tomorrow we head for Harrisburg for the Freightliner Chassis Owners Club rally. We will also have Dixie groomed in Eugene - she needs it! Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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