Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12 - Day 60 - Pendleton to Harrisburg

We left Pendleton at 8:00 am and headed West on I84 toward Portland. The weather was perfect, not a cloud in the sky, and no humidity!

The highway follows the Columbia River all the way to Portland (200 miles). The Columbia River Gorge is a natural wonder. The river is huge, but apart from that, the winds funnel through the gorge almost continuously. As a result, it has become a major site for wind mills - literally by the thousands! As we approached the coast, Mt. Hood, where I skied in my early years, came into view - an impressive site for sure.

The route is not only scenic, but it was the final leg of Lewis & Clark's treck to the Pacific. We have now followed the Lewis & Clark trail from Missoula to the Pacific, it must have been quite a treck for them!

I84 terminates at I5 in Portland, but we took I205 and cut off the final few miles as we headed South. I205 merges into I5 and South we went to Harrisburg, just outside of Eugene. We arrived at the River Bend Resort at 2:30 pm and got set up. I am not impressed with the site of the Freightliner Chassis Owners Club rally. It has an hotel and conference center situated on the Willamette River , but the RV sites are unkempt, the grass is virtually dead and there are no trees. Nor are there any picnic tables, or anyplace to put them.

I am sure that the rally will be a success when the Freightliner people and the 80 odd coaches arrive on Saturday - we will see. It will also help if the weather holds!!

This evening, we headed 5 miles down Hwy 99E to Junction City (there is NOTHING in Harrisburg to speak of) and found the Rodeo Steakhouse, where we had a drink and dinner. It also happens that this weekend is Junction City's annual Skandinavian Festival, so there is lots of activity. The Rodeo Steakhouse was nice, as were to people. We have found that people across the country are friendly, helpful and willing to welcome you with open arms if your attitude is right. As I have said, it is a great country!

Tomorrow we will explore the area and see what Eugene has to offer. Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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