Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 29 - Days 76 and 77 - The memorial and off to Crater Lake

Saturday was the day to celebrate the life of my aunt Ella, the wife of my Mom's oldest brother. She would have been 100 on August 27, but passed away in June. The memorial was arranged by her two daughters, and two of my favorite cousins, Carolyn Harkness and Marilyn Brown (both formerly Williams). The memorial was very nice with various people remembering aunt Ella's life. We then went to Marilyn's house for a barbecue.

In all there were 40 people, mostly the prodigy, spouses and children of the two daughters. It was a wonderful time and Suz and I so enjoyed seeing and visiting with my cousins and their families. In the picture are Bob and Marilyn Brown and Bob and Carolyn Harkness and, of course the now eldest member of the family, my Mom, Alice Evans (97).

It was hard to say goodbye to the family, and especially my Mom, but Sunday morning we were off to Crater Lake to continue our American adventure. Surprising as it may be to most, Suzanne was up at 5:05 am and we were on the road at 6:20 (just before sunrise!!). The early start was necessitated by the fact that we had to cover 438 miles today. And that was necessitated by the change of schedule to attend my aunt's memorial.

We headed South on US 405 then onto US 5 to just past Eugene. Then it was East on to Oregon 58. On route, we stopped in Oakridge, Oregon at the Cyber Cafe for lunch. From all appearances, Oakridge is a modern day "hippy" enclave. Our waiter had more art on his body than the Louvre, and all the patrons were long-haired and bearded - but the food was plentiful and good. Continuing on up 58, we mounted Willamette Pass (5,128 feet) to Oregon 97, then onto Oregon 138 to Diamond Lake (just a hop, skip and a jump from Crater Lake). We arrived at Diamond Lake RV Park at 3:45 pm. The park is very nice as you can see.

After setting up, what else, we headed down the hill to the lake and the local pizza joint for a quick happy hour. The lake is very picturesque and is said to contain lots of rainbow trout! Tomorrow, we will head into the park at visit Crater Lake. Hopefully the weather will be accommodating! Until then, Cheers!

John, Suz and Dixie the Wonderdog

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